善水大讲坛:我校外教Andrew Pidoux 来三水校区作讲座


“善水大讲坛” 之“环球视野”系列讲座

讲座主题:Ten Thousand New Worlds: An Introduction to Western Visual Art

主讲人:Andrew Pidoux





    Andrew Pidoux was born in the village of Penn in the county of Buckinghamshire, England, in 1974. As a kid he was always good at drawing and painting but he never pursued it as a career, even though he did his degree at Norwich School of Art and Design in the 1990s. Instead, he began writing poetry and, after completing an MA in Creative Writing at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, he finally published a book of poems, Year of the Lion, in 2010. He lived in the United States for 5 years and Spain for 2 years before returning to London for 9 years, most of the time teaching English. He always maintained an interest in visual art, and he came to China in September last year partly because he was interested in ancient Chinese art and poetry. He now lives and works on the Guangzhou campus of GDUFE, and appreciates the fact that, unlike in London, it isn’t raining all the time.